  • Phone Number

  • +91-1662-234682



Session 2021-22

Sr. No. Name of Scheme Total No. of Beneficiaries Amount
1 PMS (SC Students) 507  6509318
2 PMS (BC Students) 306 1247553
3 CSS for Grand Children of FF 4 56000
4 CSS  50 530000
5 Financial Aid from College 235 366485


Session 2022-23

Sr. No. Name of Scheme Total No. of Beneficiaries Amount
1 PMS (SC Students) 502  6612579
2 PMS (BC Students) 223 1784000
3 CSS for Grand Children of FF 2 28000
4 CSS  46 616000
5 Financial Aid from College 137 214200
6 Haryana State MSS (UG & PG) 8 37800

Session 2023-24

Sr. No. Name of Scheme Total No. of Beneficiaries Amount
1 PMS (SC Students) 513 7416744
2 PMS (BC Students) 284 2272000
3 CSS for Grand Children of FF 1 14000
4 HSMSS 43 -
5 CSS  26 408000
6 Financial Aid from College 131 245113

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Quick Contact

F C College For Women Near Devi Bhawan Mandir, Mohna Mandi, Hisar -125 001, Haryana,India

Ph. No. +91-1662-234682


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